Having control over ejaculation comes with experience as control the mind at the beginning in younger ages with little or no experience of sex would be difficult. It is difficult to measure the sexual satisfaction with the duration of the intercourse because, this is different for different couples. But it can be said that the person is suffering from premature ejaculation if he reaches the climax within a few minutes of sexual intercourse.
There are men who feel that there are experiencing premature ejaculation even though they remain in the action for more than 20 minutes. Hence, premature ejaculation is more of a mental problem. Premature ejaculation is a big problem when it ruins the happiness of the couple and sometimes can become the cause for ending the relationship. In some men, this problem is so intense that he ejaculates before penetration. Apart from causing problems in the relationship, this problem when cause a severe dent in the self confidence of the person and if the couple are trying to have children then prevention of premature ejaculation becomes the most important task in their lives.
Premature ejaculation apart from being a problem in the male partner can also be a big frustration for the female partner leaving her unsatisfied.
What Causes Premature Ejaculation
There are two causes for premature ejaculation. One is high excitement by the thought of sex especially when the partner is a new one. Other reason is being excessively indulgent in masturbation as while masturbating men would like to reach the climax as soon as possible so that no one would detect. Hence, this could also be a problem of habit. For more professional guidance you need to consult a sex specialist.
Controlling Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation can be controlled by distracting your mind by thinking about something else other than sex. It can also be controlled stop and start technique, stop when you feel like ejaculating. This technique works well when the problem is mild and you can slowly develop the confidence and have normal sex within a few months without fear of premature ejaculation. Some men also use local anesthetic creams or gels and long love condoms for mild problem of premature ejaculation.
Cure For Premature Ejaculation
For severe problem, one need to consult a sex specialist. There are many natural premature ejaculation pills and other best premature ejaculation treatments available with the help of a specialist. There are many methods of curing this problem. A specialist may prescribe you a device, gel, pill, or cognitive therapy depending on the origin of your problem. In a nutshell, premature ejaculation is a problem which can be treated easily.
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